Principal Message

Dear Parents

Welcome to Trimurti International School. During this year we will be working together as partner to provide the best possible education for your child in nurturing environment which is student centred and communication is the key to assuring a successful year for your child. We believe children should learn the academic and social skills to give them the traits necessary to become independent, responsible, life-long learners. We basically assist your child to understand the importance of discipline and rules which will assure that Trimurti International School is a safe, healthy and positive environment for everyone.

Army & Discipline attracts and retains the right people, to train and manage them in a way that maximizes their capabilities. Task of the Trimurti International school is Basic military Education to all cadets- self security, honesty, well discipline and Independent. Teachers, supporting staff and parents must work hand-in-hand to assure that we are helping our children to learn the basic skills to become leaders of tomorrow. Because we understand that students learn in diverse ways. We value a variety of learning methods and teaching styles. We understand, education is the key to a successful life and all of us are dedicated to provide the quality education to the students of Trimurti International School.